Information about the drug NEUKURİUM

Information about the drug NEUKURİUM

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Information about the drug NEUKURİUM

Trade name of the drug NEUKURİUM
The name of the active substance ATRACURIUM BESYLATE
The dose of the active substance 10 mg/ml
Pharmaceutical form Injection and infusion üçün məhlul
Commercial packaging Ampul 5 ml
Packing quantity (No.) 5
Manufacturing company, country MEFAR İLAÇ SAN АŞ, Türkiyə
Wholesale price 12.02 AZN
Retail price 14.42 AZN
Effective date 29.11.2016
Note: State-registered "Pharmaceutical Price Search System" was prepared with reference to the official website of the Tariff (Price) Council of the Republic of Azerbaijan.
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